/ / The Small Stuff

The Small Stuff

It’s Sunday night and I’m sitting in my office finally getting a chance to gather my thoughts and preparing myself for what the week might have in store for me. Im so glad last week is behind me, it was no joke HELL!

I woke up last Monday morning with the stomach flu, and no one to help me with my kids, not to mention my husband had to work late. Tuesday, still had the flu, and then a cold and of course my period starts(TMI)! What else could go wrong.. EVERYTHING!!! But I am so glad its over with!! Gonna start this week on a good note and a good mood.

I think more often than not, us as humans let one negative thing impact our whole day, whatever it maybe… missing a deadline at work, not sleeping well because a kid got up, being cut off in the Panera drive thru line( happened last week, I was super heated, huffing and puffing in my mini van) . First of all I want to let you know, It’s okay, we’ve all been here before, we’ve all lost our shit! Trying to balance everything the world throws at us, its crazy.

This is my advice: DON’T SWEAT THE SMALL STUFF! Easier said then done right?!? Seriously, when these things that happen break us down, we have to stop and think, will this matter in a day, week, month, year, 5 years?!? You know what one of my biggest peeves is with my husband, he’ll take the stroller out of the van and not put it back!! I’ll end up going somewhere look in my trunk and to my surprise it’s not there… Now I should know better to just double check, but I just want to blame him, and it makes me so angry!! But I can’t be mad at him, it was a mistake, he did not mean to ruin my whole day by not putting the stroller back ( at least I hope not).

I’ve been going into the day with the attitude I will NOT let the small stuff or the big stuff ruin my day and my mood! And Below are some ways I’ve found to flip your day around.

  1. Find a podcast!
  2. Pictures, sometimes I just like to take a minute to go through the pictures on my phone. Those memories make me instantly happy.
  3. Remember this is only for a moment, things will change, nothing ever stays the same.
  4. Download a meditation/breathing app! Seriously just taking a moment to breath can change your whole outlook
  5. Eat something Sweet, I don’t care how many calories you’re counting a day, everyone needs a sweet here or there!
  6. Stop and put yourself in your kids shoes.
  7. Don’t try and blame someone else for what has gone wrong, use the mentality that most people are good people, and they would not have done it on purpose. No one is really out to get you!
  8. Go for a drive
  9. Go to the park, get some sun!
  10. Put your phone away. Turn it off and disconnect for a second.
  11. Have a dance party, with yourself, with your kids… put on your jam and jam!!
  12. A random act of kindness, you’re having a bad day, buy someone’s coffee at Starbuck, hold a door, smile. Doing something nice for someone else not only changes their day, but yours too.
  13. Count to five. Before you blow up, count to five. Sounds crazy but it works.

And if all else fails, there is always wine!!!! Just joking… kind of….

We’re only here one time, and most of the time it feels like a blur, we just go with the motions, our routines. Make your time here right, cherish it, be happy as often as possible. Enjoy this life! Love the people around you all the time. Always be the bigger person. I can’t preach this enough DON’T SWEAT THE SMALL STUFF!!!

Enjoy your week <3


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