How To : Stair Rail Garland

It’s been a great start to the week here in our house! The weather is getting super chilly, and we’ve seen some snowflakes, which makes us believe the first snow is around the corner. I have to admit, I really don’t mind the snow from after Thanksgiving, to the New year. But, once January 2nd hits… then I’m so over it. In the meantime, I’m going to continue spreading that holiday cheer!
This week I’ll be heading out to Costco in hopes that I can get my hands on some live garland. They really have the best price, and quality in my opinion. I buy two 16 foot garlands, and use them to drape my stairs. With that being said, I thought I would give you a little behind the scenes of how I hang mine on our stair rail.
Here’s a little video showing you how I hung mine last year.
First thing I like to do, is lay it out, and spray it with wilt pruf. To be honest, I’m not sure if it helps or not, but in my head I’ve determined it does. After I spray, and it’s dry. I bring the garland in the house.
Now, that its inside, I start draping it on the stair rail, top to bottom. Making sure, I have enough, and I have it draped a way I like. Then I start securing it with twine. (DIY tip: always keep twine on hand, its inexpensive, and comes in handy for literally everything)
Once it’s all secured with twine, I add ribbon, and any other items to give it an extra Wow!
When I’m doing my weekly watering of plants, I will mist the garland, since it does dry out. My garland usually makes it from Thanksgiving to the New year, before completely drying out.