/ / Road Trip Faves

Road Trip Faves

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So! We’ve been back from vacation for a little over a week now! 20 hours there, and back, and loved getting to see all the sights that were different from our home town.

Three kids, and two teenagers! And I’m happy to report we survived! I swear I almost kissed the ground when we pulled into our driveway!

Before we left for vacation I did a lot, a lot, of searching on the best road trip accessories. And now that we’ve done our super long road trip, I’m rounding up the ones I think are totally worth it! I found them all on Amazon, so you can save them in a list for later!

Below you will find my suburban mom faves, the ones I felt like were really worth having, and made travel with kids easier.

It’s funny to think about all the planning and prep, that goes into having a great vacation. A blink later its all over! Here’s to hoping I was able to help you find something that comes in use in your road trip. And I would love to hear if you have any other things that worked well for your road trip!!

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