/ / Mom’s Night Out

Mom’s Night Out

Okay, I have to start this blog out by saying that this week is kicking my butt, and I could definitely use a Mom’s night out. You know what actually take that back, I could use a night in. A night in where I hand the baby monitor over to my husband and lock my bedroom door. A night where I sit in bed, eat snacks, maybe read a little, and binge watch tv. To top it off I’m in my comfiest sweats, its raining outside and my husband and kids stay on the other side of the house. Can I get a AMEN!

Getting back to what I’m really trying to discuss, a few weeks ago myself and a couple of friends had a Mom’s night out.  My BFF had seen this really cool local place on the news called Scentcerely Yours  , In downtown Geneva, IL.  Summing it up for you, you make your own scent that you can turn into a candle, reed diffuser, oil, lotion, body spray, room spray. They really have so many options and such cute packaging that goes along with it.

I have to share my one reservation I had about going to a scent shop, the smell. I was afraid I was going to walk into a place that smelt to extreme and give me a HUGE headache. When I walked in, it was not like that at all! No overpowering aromas what so ever. If you’re like me and get headaches easily, I did completely fine. When we walked in we were greeted by a couple of ladies that were super awesome, and helped us every step of the way.

Scent wall

Step #1

We were given a clipboard and a pen to help us through this scent making journey. The first step was to actually smell all the scents, and I think there was over 100 to smell. We were to jot down the scents that we liked the most on the clipboard provided. They had so many fragrances, from eucalyptus to old leather books. It was really amazing all the different scents they have to offer.

Smelling our scents

Step #2

Once we were done picking out all the scents we liked it was time for step two. Figuring out what we wanted to turn our scent into. I was torn between a reed diffuser and a candle. They offer a handful of different candle jar options for the candle which were all very tasteful. You could either turn your scent into a candle, diffuser, oil, lotion, room spray, or body mist. A lot of different options, I ended up going for the diffuser. I also have add in that I thought everything was SO budget friendly!

Step # 3

Decision time!! It was time to pick our two favorite scents that we had written down. This goes back to those super awesome ladies (and gentlemen) that I was talking about earlier. They are pro’s at helping you mix a scent that  is out of this world! I knew going into this place that I had Fall on the mind, so I went in knowing I wanted a Fall scent. The two scents I chose were Pumpkin spice ( of course) and Chai tea. The woman I was working with then suggested Vanilla Bean. She had me sample a sniff, that sounds fun to say out-loud! It was amazing, I swear I was blown away. I couldn’t buy a better scent for myself anywhere else, because it was MY scent! So then I got to mixing my scent in a little metal mixer which looks like a drink measurer(There is no way that’s the correct terminology)

Step #4

Once your scent is mixed it’s time to turn it into whatever you chose. Since I chose a diffuser I mixed into a diffuser. The girls that made candles were instructed how to mix their scents into the wax. If you made lotion or an oil you were given the instructions to make that happen. The candles take about an hour to an hour and a half to set, which we were told ahead of time. We just made dinner reservations for afterwards!

This was such a fun Mom’s night out! If you’re local to the Chicago Suburbs this place is definitely a place you need to check out! If you’re not local then I would highly suggest seeking out a place like this in your area. It’s so unique and such a great time, plus Geneva is such a beautiful town with some of the best and trendiest restaurants around! I found out when we were at Scentcerely yours is they do private parties. You can bring in food and drinks and create scents! I’m totally trying to do this again around the holidays with a bigger group of girls. What do you think?  A fun night, creating a holiday scent with friends… Great way to start the holiday season. As for me and my fall candle, I’m more than obsessed!


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One Comment

  1. Rena:)
    First and foremost, I LOVE your blog honey!!! You have always been so incredibly talented and I couldn’t be more proud of you and happy for you at the same time!!😙.

    So, story for you…. when you were a baby, your Mother and Father took a trip to the Bahamas. It was their 1st trip actually;). I helped Nana and PoPo take care of you guys. They stayed at your house and I popped in every day. At that time, our family was soooooooo close!!💖. We all helped each other and spent A LOT of time together:).

    As a THANK YOU to all of us your Mom and Dad brought each of us a little momentous from the Bahamas. I STILL have mine……its the ONE THING that your Mother ever gave me that I STILL have to this day……. it is a small bottle from “The Body Shop” and it was a perfume that she hand made for ME💖. She was so excited to explain the notes to me and I looked at her like a deer in headlights. Lol😂😂. She LOVED hand picking each of the fragrances that made up my “one of a kind perfume”.

    I will post a pic of it on my Insta when I get a chance:). The meaning behind that little bottle has NEVER FADED in my memory and even after all of my moves, 3 children, 1 grandchild and ALL OF THE STUFF… its sitting right in my vanity drawer💖. The memories that you made with your friends are going to be what you remember. They are PRICELESS:).

    LOVE YOU, MISS YOU and so proud of you honey!!😙😙😙😙😙😙😙😙😙😙

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