/ / Crafting keeps Me Sane

Crafting keeps Me Sane

OH My!! Is anyone else’s Monday kicking them in the butt today!?!?! I’m struggling to stay afloat today, as well as my kids have struck every nerve I have, leaving me with no patience and its only noon! Today the struggle is real, but you know what I’m not struggling with, my craft game! Last week I threw this little sign together under an hour and I have to say, I’m pretty obsessed with it!

I’ve been seeing people sell similar signs, and I’ve been tempted to purchase from Etsy, because I just don’t have all the time to do it myself. I happened to be in Hobby Lobby the other day, and I noticed they started making these ready to go make yourself wood signs. When I saw it, a lightbulb went off! Hello, now I don’t have to cut, paint or do any big work for the sign I’ve been eyeing! I then grabbed a wreath that was on sale that week for 50% off, and the ribbon which was 50% off as well! The sign I used the 40% off coupon making it around thirteen dollars. For just over twenty dollars I had all my supplies!

When I got home I went onto Pinterest and searched free printables where I stumbled onto this wonderful blog with free printables! Free Hand Written Printable

I chose the home since I didn’t have a home sign yet in my house after I printed it and grabbed a sharpie paint pen, regular ball point pen and a pencil ( which I had at home) I was all set to start this project.


The first thing I did was shade the back of the word with pencil, after that I simply flipped the piece of paper over and placed it where I wanted it to go on my wood frame. I then took a ballpoint pen and traced over the letters.

After I was done tracing I removed the paper and colored the word in with the sharpie paint marker. That probably was the hardest part of this project, because I just wanted to make sure it looked perfect, but it probably took me no longer than three minutes to do!

Now that the hard part was done I cut a piece of ribbon and looped the wreath onto it, I figured out where I wanted the wreath to lay and then I glued the ribbon with a hot glue gun to the back of the frame.

And that’s it, I was finished, with a really cute homemade sign that I did in no time!!

Now to sum up Monday for me, Hobby Lobby is the best! My kids are going to drive me to drink…tonight… or at this point maybe by 3 P.M.( Just Kidding…. Maybe) and crafts keep me sane! Enjoy your Monday!!

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