/ / “All that is really necessary for survival of the fittest, it seems, is an interest in life, good, bad or peculiar.” ~ Grace Paley

“All that is really necessary for survival of the fittest, it seems, is an interest in life, good, bad or peculiar.” ~ Grace Paley

Post 1. Well here it goes today’s the day… I’m getting up enough courage to start my own blog. I’m sitting here with a down moment while my one year old naps, and my two year old and five year old play in the other room( I probably have only moments before they’re screaming and fighting over some toy) My name is Serena, I am an ordinary mom living in the suburbs, driving a minivan… desperately trying to hang onto any part of the me before kids and marriage that’s left. I absolutely love my life and consider myself blessed, I have four healthy kids, one of them being almost fourteen. I have a great husband that works hard; a roof over my head, life is pretty good. With that being said, for years I played my part in the work force until my second was born, my five year old Jackson. My husband and I decided that I would transition to a stay at home mom, which took some getting adjusted to. It was a lifestyle change, which I didn’t exactly expect. Talking to only a toddler for hours, no privacy in the bathroom… anxiety over the next time I would get to take a shower.So for the past five years I’ve been trying to find that middle ground I think that us as parents have been searching for, keeping up with the changing world, caring for your kids, cooking, cleaning…Surviving!!!!

I guess all in all what I’m trying to say is we’re always wondering how “so and so” always seems to have it all together all the time… but I think In reality we’re all just trying to survive..I wanna share with you all the secrets and tips I’ve learned, so I can hopefully help someone else survive this crazy thing called life.

Tomorrow is the first day of SPRING!!!! I am so excited I cannot wait to be able to let the kids go out and play!!!! I’m ready for spring clothing and shoes, no more winter jackets and boots! Getting the house ready for spring, changing out décor…I made a new wreath this month!

This wreath, is pretty easy to make and I will share with you how I did it!

Supplies :

14″ Straw wreath form (found at hobby lobby or Michael’s)

Roll of Ribbon ( I purchased mine from Hobby Lobby)

Hello Sign( mine is from Target dollar spot)

Artificial flowers (purchased a bundle at Michaels used about 8-9 flowers)

Succulents ( I found them at the dollar store, I used two)

E6000 glue

Hot glue

  1. First I wrapped my ribbon around my the wreath form and glued using the hot glue gun
  2. After that I cut the flowers off the stems and stuck them into the wreath form along with the succulents
  3. Using the E6000 glue I glued the hello sign to the wreath
  4. Let dry overnight

And that’s all! Super cute fun spring wreath!!

Speaking of Spring, I’m in love with these new Vince Camuto Booties

And if you’re not looking to splurge they have almost the exact same pair at Target.

This is one of my favorite spring outfits, the cardigan is from Abercrombie and Fitch, which I hadn’t shopped in that store in about 15 years, but lately I have been finding the cutest, comfiest clothes that fit great!

The Top is Stitch Fix, if you haven’t tried stitch fix check it out!! You fill out a style questioner, pay a simple twenty dollar styling fee, and within a few days to weeks depending on when you want your fix delivered you get five pieces chosen just for you at your door! You get to try on in the comfort of your home, pay for what you want and send back what you don’t in a prepaid shipping envelope! Not to mention your styling fee goes towards whatever you purchase! It’s seriously a life changer for someone like me who has such a hard time trying to look put together! Do yourself a favor, check it out!!

Jeans are American Eagle, so I guess I was living under a rock because I just recently bought my first pair and I fell in love with them! American Eagle has quickly become one of my favorite places to shop, and they have one of the best rewards programs. Signing up is free and after you buy five pairs of jeans you get a free pair, and the same goes for there bras as well. You also earn points which you’re given reward certificates, and on top of that depending how much money you’ve spent they bump you up to free shipping for the year!

Easter is a couple weeks away and I’m scrambling to get the kids Easter baskets finished.. I hate putting candy in their baskets, especially because the Easter bunny also hides eggs that usually contain candy as well. After the kids are done I collect the candy and keep it up so I don’t have a bunch of sugar filled screaming children running around like banshees… and as the story goes, if your house is anything like my house is I get tempted with this chocolate and end up shoving my face with it.. Thanks Easter bunny..

I’ve compiled a list of some of my favorite Easter basket items that don’t really matter what gender or age :

  • Books
  • Summer sandals
  • Bathing suit
  • Towel
  • Chalk/art supplies
  • Bubbles
  • Movie
  • Sunglasses
  • Seeds/gardening supplies
  • Lipgloss/chapstick
  • Play doh/putty/slime
  • Butterfly growing kit/ bug catcher
  • Plush toy
  • Kite
  • Sand toy/water toy/ pool raft
  • Magnets
  • Bunny ears
  • Fun socks
  • Bath bombs/ bath crayons/ bubble bath
  • Puzzle/game

OK! After all that I’m done! My first post in the books, I hope you’ve enjoyed reading as much as I’ve enjoyed sharing! I know I’ve probably rambled on, but I wanted to show you what and who I am, and some of the fun things you can expect to see from me!!

I can’t wait to continue sharing my story with you… and hopefully we can figure out this whole adult world together… 🖤

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    1. Great job! I so want to make that beautiful wreath. Cant wait for future blogs. You go girl!!

  1. Great blog Serena !!! You always amaze me how even during chaos you keep it all together. I think it’s wonderful your sharing your secrets and inspire others. Keep it up girl!

  2. Great blog serena! Love the outfit choice! I’ve heard of stitch fix. Very similar to trunk club. Formally a men’s styling company but have now turned It into both. Its basically clothing from Nordstrom. Cute wreath! Looking forward to your next blog.

    1. Thanks Heather!!Yes! I’ve tried Trunk Club in the past, found a few cute tops from them
      As well, I’ve just had better luck with Stitch Fix!

  3. Hi, I’m Heather’s Aunt. Congrats on the blog, you have a knack for it, keep it up. By the way, your wreath is simply beautiful. I love the modern edge to it with the black & white striped ribbon.

    1. Janet! Thank you so much! I’m glad you enjoyed, I love anything with stripes so I was super happy to use the stripe ribbon!

  4. Soo true about the candy. No baboons aloud in my house lol good job with the blog Serena I’m enjoying the story’s 😘

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