Suburban Living
Diy. Design. Life.
Survival Of A Suburban Mom
Welcome Friends, my name is Serena. The face behind Survival Of A Suburban Mom. I’m a mama of four, and a dog mom of two. I love finding ways to live simple, and enjoy the small things… as well as spray paint.. I really love spray paint..
A lover of vintage, and budget friendly decor, do it yourself projects, and number #1 soccer mom.

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There’s no DIY too big or small I’m not willing to tackle… from hot glue guns and wreaths to building a built in desk.. You never know what I’ll be DIYing next!
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Life With Kids… here you can find all my life hacks from travel to rainy day activities. Anything that’s helped me survived this crazy world called motherhood
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I believe a hone should define you, it doesn’t matter where you live, I take pride in turning my semi custom “cookie cutter” home into one of a kind space. With a huge emphasis on reusing, thrifting, and budget
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How to Start a Garden From Seed
It’s Spring in the Midwest!! And every year I grow a little more invested in my garden! It’s my favorite way to relax!! Starting a garden from seed can be a rewarding and fulfilling experience. Not only does it give you a sense of accomplishment, but it also allows you to witness the entire growth…